Friday, May 29, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Well, it's been a busy six weeks since we moved. We've been unpacking, and painting, and setting up, renovating and doing yard work. It's been a lot of work but we're really enjoying it.

And of course, Charlie wants to help us do everything.

Here she is up on Daddy's ladder helping hang pictures. She loves helping out her Daddy - and yes, she is actually started calling him Daddy instead of Bob!!!!

Charlie loves her new house!!! She doesn't ever want to go "bye bye" - she'll start crying and say "no, me home" and she gets so excited when we pull up to our house. "home, home, home". I love that she likes her new house. Her favorite thing about it is the front yard that she's able to play in whenever she wants.

And of course, our family would not be complete without Liam, and so neither would this post. Liam is growing so fast - literally, as fast as the weeds in our yard! He had his first bite of food tonight - (but that's another post). His favorite thing is his Jolly Jumper and of course, his sister.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Could it be Christmas?

Remember when you were a kid and Christmas Eve was soooo exciting waiting in anticipation for Christmas morning? We'd stay up all night, and then get up really early Christmas morning and one of us kids would go upstairs with our eyes shut and fumble to find the Christmas tree lights and plug them in and run back downstairs. Then, all five of us kids would go up the stairs, holding hands with our eyes closed, to see the lit up tree and array of stockings and gifts all at the same time. Those were magical moments and has made Christmas my favorite time of year. But, I'm totally getting lost in memories when Christmas has nothing to do with this blog. What I'm trying to say is that I am THAT excited on the eve of owning my own home. The count down is on, 12.5 hours left before I can pick up the key and it's officially ours.

Drum roll please..........

So the big moving day is Thursday and we would love all the help we can get. 12 hours 20 minutes... (I'm not going to get any sleep tonight)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Things I Am Grateful For

I have so much to be grateful for and today I thought I would give thanks for my blessings (we'll see how many I can list before Charlie gets into something)
  1. Bob - he is my best friend, my rock, the love of my life.
  2. Charlie - she makes me laugh and smile even when I am in a terrible mood.
  3. Liam- I love to just hold and cuddle him and I melt when he smiles at me. He's doing this new thing where if he's looking at me and crying he'll start smiling even while he's still crying...crazy child.
  4. My parents- they are always helping me and my family sooo much and are just always there for me and supporting me in everything. My mom is my best friend and I love that we talk every day and my dad makes me laugh and always has wise words of advice. Recently, my Dad just helped us soooo much buy our first house that my mom picked out for us!
  5. My siblings - I love each one of them for different reasons. I love living so close to Addy and hanging out with her. She is always doing so much to help me out and I am soo touched and it means so much to me how much she loves my children. I also know that when I don't feel like there is anyone in the whole world that will understand what I'm feeling, I can call her and she gets me. I miss Justin. I love hanging out with him and wish we we lived closer. I really hope that when he's done school, he'll move back to Lethbridge. My sister Jenee amazes me. I'm so proud of her and all of her accomplishments - she lives an amazing life being sure to experience everything and try everything and I admire that. Jon, is the kindest, most gentle, sensitive soul you would ever meet. He is a deep thinker, questioning everything and I think he's extremely talented and love to listen to him sing and play the guitar. The song he wrote me is my favorite song ever!
  6. My parents-in-law. We've been living with them for the past 6 months and they have been great. My father-in-law is cool. I enjoy hanging out with him and like that I can just be myself around him and the relationship is easy. I like that- we've got this understanding between us and it's nice. My mother-in-law is a tremendous example of faith to me. She is one of the kindest people I know and appreciate her example. I always hear people complaining about their in-laws and I always say I have the best parents-in-law ever.

Well, I could go on, I could mention my new house, and my family's health, and my husband's job, and vehicles that work, and my love for the gospel but I better find Charlie and see what she's into....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Somebody's Turning 2!

My little girl is growing up so fast!! Next Sunday (April 5) she'll be two years old!!!
I miss her letting me just hold her all day long, but appreciate so much the little moments throughout the day when she seeks me out to wipe away a tear, or show me a picture she coloured of Bob and the baby or crawls onto my lap for stories, or dances silly for me or just wants a quick hug or kiss before she runs off to play some more. And every time I kiss a tear away or turn her cries into giggles by a quick hug and tickles, I wish I could pause the moment forever and know it would always be so easy to heal the hurts.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

And then there were two...

Liam was born in January and life has been absolutely crazy with two kids under two - everyday I ask myself, "What were we thinking?"

But then when I look at him and hold him, all the craziness is worth it!
(Thanks for the pic, Sean)

Liam is almost three months old and is just starting to smile and coo and interact. His sister is in love with him and always needs to know where he is but she hates it when he cries and yells "Baby stop!!" over and over until Bob and I can quit laughing at her and do something to settle Liam. (Thanks for the pic, Rhonda)

Friday, March 20, 2009


Last night Charlie and I made cookies at grandma's house. Charlie is having so much fun here with my younger sisters that she is going to be crushed when we go back to Lethbridge in a couple of weeks. She has started to cry for them when they go to school in the mornings and watching out the window for them in the afternoon. And when they are home she is sure to be trailing close behind them where ever they go.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Girl

Of all the pictures I have of Charlie Ann, this is my favorite. It takes my breath away every time I see it. My brother-in-law, Sean took it about a month ago at Grandma Stasiuk's birthday party lunch.
We've been practising words with Charlie trying to get her to talk a bit more instead of just grunting. This week we've been working on saying "I love you". She makes me laugh though. She'll repeat "I" and then "love" but when you ask her to repeat "you" she gets mad and says "NO! love".
She is growing up so fast and gets more beautiful everyday. I could sit and watch her for hours as she plays and explores. She is my whole world!